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Accelerated GxP skillsets at your service

Time to market is critical, and once your processes are perfected, the last thing you want to do is lose time while your staff is in training. That’s where Azzur Training Center steps in. 

From public GxP workshops to bespoke technical training tailored to your needs, Azzur Training Center offers best-in-class training delivered at your site or in our turnkey learning center. By combining classroom theory, hands-on activities, and numerous interactions with live, instructor-led training, ATC delivers memorable training events that involve all sensory inputs to support efficient knowledge transfer of business-critical concepts. Our goal is to deliver a high-value educational experience based on the most up-to-date industry standards, with the option of including client- or site-specific information.

Together, we can work to reduce your onboarding training schedule by as much as 90 days.